Monday, July 8, 2013

Success stories google

success stories google
success stories google

Google, who do not know Google. The most advanced and most popular search engine in the world. Google search engine has become the most commonly used of people in the world every day. Only by searching the keyword or keywords you want to search, Google has sought and found the articles needed from various sites in the world with no time to 1detik. Incredible is not it???You'll find the article you are looking for free fast, unless you pay for your Internet.

     The first time, I was a regular search engine disebuah large computer company. He was created by two people who are friends with each other that Larry Page and Sergey Brin. As with many other outstanding inventors Larry and Sergey had never imagined that they would be up to the current conditions. They are typical hard working brilliant and tenacious against any obstacles and challenges. Larry Page and Sergey Brin met at Stanford University, California as a post doctoral student (PhD). Their friendship developed through a series of debates so long as a PhD student in computer. They both are students who are always hungry for answers of an issue. Google search program initiated discovery of the fact that they are exposed to the difficulty of gathering information in a short time. From the results of their research on a search engine (search program) is already there, they found that most of the search program is not able to provide satisfactory results. The fact that Larry and Sergey challenged to create a new computer program that is not only fast but also able to provide sequence information website based on the level of interest .. So excited they want to create a computer program, they formed a company to be able to realize his ideas. Then painstakingly finally convince people there who will lend 100 thousand dollars as initial capital to open an office in 1998.

Larry and Sergey started his company with offices in rented garages in the area of ​​Menlo Park, California. With a tremendous spirit and relentless hard work, in a short time Larry and Sergey Google made the company a very fantastic progress. Google progressed past the boundaries of the estimates. Google even dare to fight "mainstream" most companies. Capital of 100 thousand dollars in 1998, in 2004, Google has become a sales value of 3.2 billion dollars, and in August 2005, Google's stock value merkoket to 79.6 billion dollars.

Google fantastic journey that is told by David A. Vise and Mark Malseed in his book The Google Story (Testimonials Google). David A. Vise, a prestigious journalist award Pulitzer Prize winner, wrote Google's success with novel style storytelling. This book is even more interesting as the story as biografy the Google Guys, the name for Larry Page and Sergey Brin in building Google. David A Vise makes the storyline is not based purely on chronological events, but based on the theme of the story that he wants. Such recognition, Vise and Malseed build a story based on thousands of hours of research and interviews with a number of people.

Google is horrendous phenomenon millennium century is making the world based on the internet. He was horrendous not only for his ability as a superb search engine, but also as a company that continuously raise funds. Since the first year of establishment Google to six consecutive years of record profits uphill Google throughout the year. I even dare to dictate establishment Wallstreet stock market to follow the will of the Google Guys. When I was about to register himself as a public company on Wall Street, Google boldly not want to follow a number of "rules" created by Wall Street. The Google Guys judge that the brokers in Walstreet is a collection of the mafia that undermined public company that will go there. According to Larry and Sergey Wallstreet brokers will reap huge profits while the companies that want to go public have to fight tooth and nail to survive. That's why the Google Guys make their own rules for going public. With incredible Sergey and Larry did beat sniper stance Wallstreet brokers. And all the success it is done in a very young age. When I do go public on Wall Street in August 2004, Sergey Brin and not even 31 years old.

Since the beginning of establishment of the company, Sergey and Larry only employ those options. Even when its not clear where it will earn money, Sergey and Larry never stops looking for employees with the ultimate qualification. With both intelligence and ability to sell an idea to someone to work with them and recruit PhDs from top universities.They also hijacked computer magnate of a number of major American companies. Google boldly eyeing the flagship of Microsoft and Yahoo to move to Google. A number of employees of Microsoft's flagship finally did move to Google.

Google also managed to build a working system unique with its employees. At the Googleplex, their current headquarters in Silicon Valley, California, the working atmosphere is created in such a way that the impression of formality uninstalled. Google preparing the company's management style campus that provide flexibility for employees to develop innovation without limits. Nevertheless, the principle objectivitas continue to be developed. Do not Be Evil motto of the company is used as a guideline to uphold the values ​​of objectivity and honesty. At the Googleplex, they also design the room in such a way that it creates an impression how the founders could remain close to the employees. Rooms laid out so that almost no boundaries between fellow employees, for this Sergey and Larry even got involved very detailed in perencanaann workspace.

To support employees in the prime working, preparing healthy meals for their employees. Recruited for that special chef to cook healthy meals for all employees. The Google Guys believes that healthy food is necessary for employees who work hard. And it all must be provided by the company. Specifically topnotch chefs preparing healthy eating and regular program at the Googleplex.

Google's success is also not free of legal issues. In its pengembanganproduk, Google assessed various parties committed an unlawful act. Some parties tried to sue in court, but his lawyers vigorously produce victory on the part of Google. When faced with a lawsuit for alleged "plagiarism" advertising system, Google also managed to defeat his opponents. Sergey and Larry did not want to play games in the works, the legal process they use topnotch lawyers.

Google within 6 years it has alarmed the world. Made his rivals scrambling, even including Microsoft boss Bill Gates worried that Google faces. When the book The Google Story by David A. Vise was published in 2005, I even still enjoy kejayaanya. Google still continues to this very day to make innovations to establish his kingdom in the world of internet. Google Labs as a place to try out new products that continue to increase in numbers. You also may have entered in the current network Google users. Google's development in the next few years deserve to be noticed, how far the internet giant will be penetrated and bind the world or towards a development that was unthinkable before. Google's good-ria, safely explore the world at your fingertips.

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